Saturday, January 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by stshank

Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, 1/200 sec at f/9.0, focal length 100 mm, ISO 500,

Friday, January 16, 2009

Steller's Jay: Mysterious BART Art

Why was this noncommercial art hung in the Glen Park BART station? Because the advertising market is so bad they have to put up pretty pictures.

Zig Zag

Zig Zag
Originally uploaded by stshank
Ripples in and sand on the driftwood.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, 1/250 sec at f/9.0, focal length 100 mm, ISO 400

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Full Moon

Full Moon
Originally uploaded by stshank
Shot with a 100-400mm lens I rented and combined with a 1.4x extender. Once I got the focus down, it became my best moon picture ever, though later I was somewhat deflated from seeing some shots with 800mm lenses and 2x extenders. Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM +1.4x, 1/400 sec at f/8.0, focal length 560 mm, Copyright 2009 Stephen T. Shankland