Saturday, July 15, 2006

World Cup echoes

World Cup echoes
Originally uploaded by stshank.
The willingness to display nationalistic German symbols spread as far away from the World Cup as San Francisco, where I found evidence fussball fandom still lingers.


Originally uploaded by stshank.
This foursome was flying south across the Sunnyside's sunny skies, har har.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

back to work

Originally uploaded by stshank.
My two-month parental leave is over, and it's back to slaving over a hot keyboard during press conference presentations. Multisyllabic Latinate words that George Orwell would hate are abundant (in this case, infrastructure, information, and technology). Today's quiz is to identify this uniquely tufted server executive.

Monday, July 10, 2006

hover fly

hover fly
Originally uploaded by stshank.
I think it's a hover fly, anyway. On a lavender sprig.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by stshank.
One of a small flock of bushtits (Psaltriparus minimus) that has been visiting us recently.